
Become a GameZilla Patron


As a monthly patron you support GameZilla Media in so many ways. We love what we do and our dream is to one day call it our full time career. You are helping us reach that dream with your Patreon donation. As a huge thanks to our monthly supporters (Patrons) you will receive exclusive perks only available to our patrons on Patreon. To everyone who has supported us already you are all amazing and thank you so much for believing in us!

Other Ways to Support GameZilla Media

Over the past year we have expanded our relationship with Twitch and now we are affiliated with Twitch. This gives us the ability to accept "bits" (in chat emoji's that credit us with a % of revenue) and we now have our own subscription button! (fun fact Amazon owns Twitch, are you an Amazon Prime member? If you answer is yes, then you can subscribe to one Twitch streamer per month as part of your Amazon Prime membership!) Here is how to use your free monthly subscription for Twitch.