NA LCS Summer Week Four Recap
Cinderella Stories
A review of week Four of the NA LCS summer split
By: John Jaskot
Game of the Week
If you would have asked me who would win the match up between FlyQuest and Team Liquid before last weekend, I would have said Team Liquid by a long shot. Boy was I wrong!
Not only did FlyQuest smash Team Liquid, but they also almost pulled off a perfect game with 19 kills and only 1 death. Team Liquid is known for defeating teams this season in less than 25 minutes. In this match up, FlyQuest gave Team Liquid a taste of their own medicine. In a game that lasted just over 23 minutes, Team Liquid took it's worst loss this season.
What was the cause of this sudden breakout game for FlyQuest? Simple.... It was Keane's birthday and he partied like it was his birthday, going 5/0/6 on Zoe!
Most Valuable Player of the Week
My MVP pick of the week is Stixxay from Counter Logic Gaming. Until this game, Stixxay was not one of the first to come to mind when thinking of a solid carry player. Because he has played side by side with such solid support players for so long, his skill at the carry role has always seemed to be overshadowed by his counterpart. Stixxay reminded us all of his undeniable skill this past weekend.
- Game 1: Defeated team Echo Fox. Played Varus. Score line: 6/0/7 with a CS score of 304
- Game 2: Defeated Cloud 9. Played Lucian. Score line: 10/1/9 with a CS score of 493
He almost single-handedly won both of the games for Counter Logic Gaming. On his Varus game he played a little safe, making sure to keep himself in the back line and pump out the damage like the team comp was built around. This may not seem like such a difficult feat to you, standing in the back safe and sound just shooting arrows into people, but that is not the case. The carry is always the number one target for the opposing team. Stixxay was able to position himself perfectly during this game, to not only maximize his damage output but also finish the game without ever being killed. In the second game he played a much, much more aggressive Lucian. He flashed forward twice this game in order to finish off kills. You would have thought that WildTurtle was subbing in this game, since he's the one known for flashing forward. Once again in this game, he positioned himself perfectly. This game was not as easy of a win for Counter Logic but it was Stixxay's Lucian in the last team fight that solidified the win for Counter Logic Gaming.

Schedule This Weekend ( July 21st - July 22ed )
Saturday Sunday
This Weekends Game to Watch
Neither of these teams made the spring split playoffs, yet both of them are in a race for first place in the summer split so far. Which one of these Cinderella stories will pull ahead?