Noobs and Dragons ep015

Our adventurers continue to explore the Shuddering Mountain, in an attempt to glean more aberrant lore from the Cult of the Dark Star. Within the lair of the cultists, the group hears of a vault, that lies at the end of the Hall of Recall. What terrible fate awaits the group?


Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

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Noobs and Dragons ep013

Our adventurers make preparations to leave the city of Narquelion, so that they can travel to confront the Cult of the Dark Star in the Shuddering Mountain. As the group travels westward, the temptation to read the dream journal increases, but at what cost does the knowledge from this tome come?


Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

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Noobs and Dragons ep012

Our adventurers leave the Bloodbane controlled alchemical facility, and head back to the city of Narquelion, but what darkness lies within the dream journal that seems to be corrupting the team? What new events have transpired in the city of perpetual autumn in the group's absence?


Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

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Jason Parks
Noobs and Dragons ep012

Our adventurers leave the Bloodbane controlled alchemical facility, and head back to the city of Narquelion, but what darkness lies within the dream journal that seems to be corrupting the team? What new events have transpired in the city of perpetual autumn in the group's absence?


Find out what happens next on this weeks episode of Noobs and Dragons.

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Noobs and Dragons ep008

The party continues through Stone Raven Keep in search of Don Burchman and hope that they've arrived in time for answers to their questions. Evil energies permeate the walls around them and the group will have to face something new.

Will they survive?

Will they get answers to Professor Davida's past?

Will the party find a way to get rid of the sleep journal?

Will Tilly ever lose the Nightmare Idol? You'll have to listen to this weeks Noobs and Dragons to find out!

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Noobs and Dragons ep001

Episode 1 of Noobs and Dragons introduces us to the group (Grim, Jazze and Chops) and the DM (Craig W.K). As this band of noobs rides off into their first adventure one can only ask, what will they run into first? can this new group get along? who will die first? 

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Jason Parks