Intermission E28: The Fate of Ophelia and Jean Claude

As both Ophelia Alcemila and Jean Claude Pierre Paul head towards the city of Rayburn Falls, they have no idea that destiny has determined a horrible event waits for them. They've carried the black case for miles and miles, and fought against powerful adversaries, but when the person who setup the job arrives, one tragedy after another occurs. Some fates are not meant to be happy ones, so what chances do Ophelia and Jean Claude have in the face of overwhelming despair?

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Intermission E27 Dream Dashing

On the run from Jean Claude's nightmare, he and Ophelia find that they must find their way into another dream, lest they be destroyed by the powerful madness which has taken root in the Monk's mind. Hoping to find someone to aid them, they dive into Grandma Yelrihs' dream, but can she do anything to protect them? Or perhaps she finds them ungrateful, since they don't call her enough? What hope do the duo have left?

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Intermission E26: Unending Nightmares

Jean Claude and Ophelia have finally come face to face with the nightmare that plagues the Monk's dreams, which mocks them and begins transforming the arena into something utterly horrifying! Can the two safely get away from such a terrifying being, or will the two of them be slain within the Realm of Dreams, never to return to reality? Are there no good dreams out there for them to escape to?

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Intermission E25: N'Zogoth

Diving into another dream, to get away from the Payne Chateau, Ophelia and Jean Claude find themselves in a subterranean lake that's enveloped in absolute darkness. A nasty feeling clings to the duo, and they feel like there's something skulking around. What lurks within this dream that was connected to the horrid place they fled from? Will they make it into Jean Claude's nightmare?

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Intermission E24: The Land of Nod

Accepting the assistance of Pyralis, Ophelia and Jean Claude have agreed to go into the dimension of dreams so that they can sneak into the Monk's nightmares. Within the first dream, which seems to be of Pyralis' herself, the duo find themselves back at the camp of Dragonborn, with the strange mage speaking with a person they're afraid to meet: Zyklon Bloodbane. If it's only a dream, do they have anything to fear?

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Intermission E23: The Marks of the King

After looting the final floor of Midori Tower, Ophelia and Jean Claude are joined by Thucydides who has found the pauldrons to the Armor of Endless Night. After an encounter with a spectral dragon, the duo of adventurers begin to think that it might be best for the draconic armor to stay hidden away, but the Dragonborn isn't willing to part with it. Will the fellowship break apart?

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Intermission E19: The Ruined Village in the Shadowfell

Deciding that the best course of action is to aid Thucydides and Pyralis in finding a mysterious set of pauldrons in the Shadowfell dimension, the duo of adventurers are joined by their new Dragonborn ally as they explore the destroyed town of Squallfire within a shadowy dimension of negative energy. What dark secrets do the remnants of the hamlet hold? Can they possibly survive in a world devoid of light?

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Intermission E18: The Cloaked Mage Pyralis

Finding refuge from the undead Devilsaur that stalked the forest, the duo has met with the Dragonborn researcher Thucydides as well as the mysterious figure in a hood known as Pyralis. She seems to be very knowledgeable about the region, and desires a strange artifact from a tower that doesn't seem to be in sight. Can Ophelia and Jean Claude trust these strangers? And what of the strange dreams that haunt the Monk?

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Intermission E16: Just A Memory

As Ophelia and Jean Claude are speaking with Arnold Payne, it suddenly dawns on them that Lysander doesn't seem to be around. As they search for him, things become more and more confusing when the people of Lavacloud Village don't seem to remember him! What happened to their comrade, and what can the duo possibly do in this strange region? Will they ever see him again?

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Intermission E15: Forgotten Nightmares

Exceedingly odd things have been happening around the group in the time since they obtained the case they need to deliver, and Jean Claude has seemingly been baring the brunt of these weird events. In an effort to get the job done as soon as possible, the team heads north towards Lavacloud Village, but find a strange old man on the outskirts of town. What bizarre things have been happening in this hamlet?

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Intermission E13: Bloodsport

Captured by an army of Dragonborn who have a camp nearby Flamecore Pass, the group is interrogated by their captain, who seems to be interested in a member of their family who recently escaped them. When the meeting becomes tense though, and the team has to fight in combat against some of the most elite members of the camp, what chance does the team have?

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Intermission E11: What Could Be Worse Than Spiders?

Delving into Flamecore Pass, the group reaches a blockade of spiders, and what could possibly be worse than spiders? Burning hot fire spiders from the Elemental Chaos! With the region baring the unfortunate trait of having a thin barrier between it and the dimension of eternal unrest, the team must now deal with it's denizens as they plunge deeper into the caverns, and hopefully find a way out before they find themselves in the Elemental Chaos themselves!

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Intermission E10: Knock Knock

With the assistance of the hag called Grandma Yelrihs, the group is preparing to head into Flamecore Pass, but have been found by Lockgrim Voidthresher, the dreadful Orc who's made some bargain with a Lord of Madness called Rohn Glazma. What chance does the team have to escape from his clutches? Does granny have any possible way to help them get away from the last of the Voidthreshers?

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Intermission E9: Preparing Dinner

Invited into the cabin of the strange old woman known as Grandma Yelrihs, the old crone locks the door behind the group as they head inside, urged forward by Lyesander's hunger, but Jean Claude and Ophelia are hesitant. Why does this old lady insist on making food for them? Could she possibly have ulterior motives? And what of the Orcs that are chasing them, lead by Lockgrim Voidthresher? Can they possibly survive such a dangerous forest?

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