Reggie NOOOOO!!! | GZP 303

This week on episode 303 of the GameZilla Podcast Grim, Deadite and guests cover:

  1. Reggie Fils-Aime joins GameStop.

  2. Call of Duty announces its new mode Warzone.

  3. Phantasy Star Online 2 gets an open beta date.

  4. Worms is getting a new game from Team 17.

  5. Fortnite Legacy controls are being removed next week.

GameZilla Discussion Topic - What game or game series does everyone love that leaves you feeling left out?

All this plus the guys share their gaming moments of the week on episode 303 of the GameZilla podcast.

Make sure to catch us live on every Monday night at 7pm EDT or if you missed us the following day on YouTube (search GameZilla Media)
